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Available to predict: 5
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- Result
Liga 1. ToulousePSG
- from 1.90
- Forecast hidden
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Bundesliga. Bayer 04Bayern M
- from 2.10
- Forecast hidden
- Get forecast
La Liga. VilliarealValencia
- from 1.60
- Forecast hidden
- Get forecast
Italy. BresciaMilan
- from 1.76
- Forecast hidden
- Get forecast
Sweden. ErebreuFrelunda
- from 1.72
- Forecast hidden
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Key Tariff
Every 5 days
Up to 5 predictions per day
Odds from 1.5 to 4.0
Sports and e-sports
Personal Telegram Bot
Live predictions
Express predictions

Combo tariff
Every 5 days
Up to 5 predictions per day
Odds from 1.7 to 10.0
Sports and e-sports
Personal Telegram Bot
Live predictions
Express predictions

Feedback from our clients
1 / 10

How to earn money?
Sports predictions help you to increase your finances. Make sports events profitable! Our team has huge experience in sports and e-sports analytics; therefore, we make predictions based on accurate calculations and statistics.
We do not give empty promises and do not assure players of 100% success. The service’s predictions help to build the most promising and obviously profitable strategy for your future forecasts. Only pure mathematics and excellent knowledge of sports and e-sports special aspects help us in working. All predictions are logically grounded, calculated by our employees having great experience in similar fields.
Service features
- Detailed analytics allows you to minimize the risk of errors. Our experts take into account every little detail when making predictions..
- The different tariffs are available: choose the best for you.
- The paid predictions are a useful and profitable investment. We are responsible for the work of our employees: we will refund the subscription fee under the provisions of our Terms of Use.
- Every day analysts give users free predictions. Register to read them.
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